Maths curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
At GMA our intent in Maths is for pupils to experience a high-quality maths education that provides a foundation for understanding the world and a genuine interest and curiosity about mathematics. Our aim is that children develop a deep understanding and knowledge of number sense and become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. We want our pupils to develop their conceptual understanding and develop the ability to recall and apply knowledge accurately and rapidly. We also want pupils to be able to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and making generalisations.
Our aim is for pupils to gain procedural knowledge through enriching experiences. Over the past few years we have implemented a ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach and we believe that everyone, no matter what their starting point is, can learn and improve at maths. All pupils will be encouraged to believe that by working hard, persevering and adopting a growth mindset approach to mathematics, including seeing the value of making mistakes and of learning from them, they can succeed in maths.
Our intent is to meet the statutory requirements as specified in the National Curriculum. Maths lessons are taught through a chosen scheme of learning (White Rose Maths), that are carefully ordered to build upon prior learning in small, manageable steps. Our curriculum is designed to support the development of reasoning and problem solving alongside fluency to ensure challenge and ambition for all pupils. More time is spent on each area in order to enrich and embed ideas, enabling pupils to make connections. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly are challenged through being offered rich problems and tasks that further deepen their understanding. Lessons will be adapted for children when needed (e.g. those with identified cognition and learning SEND).
Key learning points are identified during planning and a clear journey through maths is evident in lessons and reflected on working walls. Questions and discussions will probe pupils’ understanding throughout and pupils will be assisted in explaining their thinking, using precise mathematical language and using full sentences to develop an argument, justification or proof. Misconceptions are identified during the planning process and during lessons and used as opportunities for learning.
The use of practical resources, pictorial representations and recording takes place and this is reflected in our calculation policy, which was comprehensively developed with local schools.
We aim to develop all aspects of fluency through lessons. As a school, we are focusing on developing instant recall of key facts, such as number bonds, multiplication and addition facts. Increasing fluency in basic facts allows children to free working memory and to solve more complex problems. In order to support the development of our intent, the school has participated in a professional studies group to develop teaching for mastery which is run by the Enigma Maths Hub. Additionally, in reception and key stage 1, maths fluency sessions are taught using the mastering number programme (NCETM).
We believe Maths to be important in preparing pupils for the future in terms of life skills and career opportunities. Pupils will see maths across the curriculum and will develop and apply their skills in different contexts.
At GMA maths is delivered daily during the hourly maths lesson. Our curriculum overview shows the order in which topics are taught across the year groups. These lessons cover the National Curriculum objectives, broken down into small steps. Lessons are adapted and sometimes individual lesson plans are put in place for children identified as needing additional support.
Additionally, number fact fluency is practised during daily fluency sessions and regularly through activities such as, Rolling numbers, Challenge Tuesday, times tables rockstars, PE warmups, whilst lining up and answering the register. Opportunities for cross curricular maths are regularly identified and planned for in other subjects.
In EYFS, the curriculum overview shows the order in which lessons are taught. Whole class inputs are delivered with follow-on activities which are accessed through child initiated play to practise and consolidate the learning. Daily maths fluency sessions are also delivered following the mastering number programme.
Pupils talk enthusiastically about their maths and this is evident in the conversations they have with teachers and with each other. The immediate impact of a GMA Maths lesson will be apparent within the lesson. The opportunities for discussion, engagement in talk and questioning allow teachers to quickly ascertain the pupils’ level of understanding and provide further guidance as necessary. Much of the pupils’ work is marked “live” giving pupils instant feedback on their efforts in order to further their learning.
Where necessary and possible, intervention is provided as quickly as possible to help maintain the intention that the whole class is working together.
The progress that pupils make over time is clear evidence of the impact of the teaching and learning. To measure this progress, teachers integrate a combination of formative assessment (gathered during discussions, questioning, resourced activities, paired and independent tasks) and summative assessment carried out at the end of each block. Statements are updated on target tracker and this is used to inform half termly assessment and to identify gaps. Pupils with significant gaps might have individual targets identified on their SEND Support Plans.
Pupils at GMA also participate in the external assessments of SATs during Year 2 and the Multiplication Tables check at Year 4. Although our intent is to enable learners to develop deeper mathematical understanding (rather than just meeting the requirements of tests), these assessments are an important measure of the impact of the teaching and learning at GMA. Pupils in the relevant year groups also undertake practice tests in the build up to the external tests which provide additional evidence for the teacher’s judgement. In some cases it may be identified that because of a pupil’s additional needs, they will not be entered for the external tests. This would be agreed with parents.