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Gothic Mede Academy


  • Your child’s half-termly spellings are stuck in their reading record. Please practise these spellings several times a week at home as individual words and in sentences. A copy can also be found below. Children have logins to EdShed  (spelling shed) where they can access games to help support their learning. 

  • Spelling check is every Thursday. Scores will be marked on the spelling sheets that are in their reading records.

  • Your child will receive maths and reading comprehension homework fortnightly (on a Friday) which will need to be completed and handed in on the Wednesday of the second week. 

  • There will also be a termly ‘Star Challenge’ which will be given out with a date for return towards the end of the term. This will be topic-based. There will be clear success criteria and feedback linked to the Star Challenge. A copy can be found below.