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Gothic Mede Academy


  • The most important thing you can do to aid your child's learning is to encourage them to read to you regularly (daily if possible).

  • Your child’s half  termly spellings are stuck in their reading record. Please practise these spellings several times a week at home as individual words and in sentences. Spelling check is every Thursday. Scores will be marked on spelling sheet.

  • Your child will receive a reading comprehension task to complete each half-term.

  • Your child will receive maths homework each fortnight on a Friday to be completed and handed in the Wednesday of the second week. 

  • There will also be a termly ‘Star Challenge’ which will be given out with a date for return towards the end of the term. This will be topic based. There will be clear success criteria and feedback linked to the Star Challenge.


Children can also practice their learning through the websites below (click on the logos to access the website). Their log-in details can be found in their reading records.