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Gothic Mede Academy

Year 4 - Birch & Hazel

Hello and welcome to the Year 4 page.  We are Mrs Holland and Mrs Hopla, and we are delighted to be the Year four class teachers this year.

We are really pleased to be sharing your child’s final year at Gothic Mede with them and hope to make it a fun and memorable time while also preparing them for the next step of their journey and their move to middle school.

We are excited to be able to offer the children the opportunity to attend both Young Voices and PGL and hope to share these experiences with as many of them as possible. There will also be lots of exciting classroom learning, starting with the human digestion system in Science, Mountains in Geography, football and dance in PE plus much more. For full curriculum details, please take a look at the long term plan under the curriculum section.

We are also looking forward to opportunities to welcome parents and carers into school to share the children’s learning via assemblies, work shares and, at the end of the year, the leavers assembly. We will be looking for volunteers to help support us with the planning and organising of leavers events to make them really special for the children.

Wellbeing continues to be really important in year four and we will be working to support your child’s emotional literacy through daily wellbeing time and PSHE lessons. We know that children find change difficult and will work to prepare them throughout the year for when they move on. We work very closely with the middle schools to ensure this transition is as smooth as possible, putting the wellbeing at the pupils at the forefront of all we do.

Please feel free to speak to us or drop the office an email if you have any concerns, questions or feedback that you would like to discuss. We look forward to getting to know Birch and Hazel class and hope the children have an enjoyable year.


Mrs Holland and Mrs Hopla